MovieOn Download Free Blogger Templates Without Footer Credit Link.

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. today in this post we will talk about the Top SEO Friendly Blogger Templates, Without footer credit link, Mobile Responsive Theme, Responsive Blogger Template, Free Blogger Template Download.
MovieOn Download Free Blogger Templates Without Footer Credit Link.
The best template helps to increase search engine rankings. For this reason, a best Blogger template should be selected for the blog, which includes almost all features like SEO friendly, mobile friendly, advertising ready, responsive design, social media icon, dropdown menu, easy to navigate etc.

MovieOn Download Free Blogger Templates Without Footer Credit Link.

This template is a fast loading template. Which is quite popular in the Blogger Template. You will find free without footer credit link. If you are looking for simple and responsive designs for blog then this template is best for your blog.

MovieOn Free Blogger Templates Features-

100% responsive, SEO ready, Ad ready, Mobile friendly, Social Media Icons, Stylish Social Widget, Multi Widgets, 3 columns stylish footer, 1 Sidebar, Clean layout, Browser compatibility
Live Demo | Download

MovieOn Free Blogger Template

How to install MovieOn Blogger Template on my Blog

Step1- Unzip your downloaded ZIP file.
Step2- login in your Blogger website
Step3- Select Theme
Step4- Click on Backup/Restore
Step5- Choose Oyotv-free-blogger-template.xml File
Step6- Click Upload.
How to install OyoTv Blogger Template on my BlogHow to Edit Menu

Go to Theme> Edit HTML see below image and change Menu Items.
How to Edit Menu

How to insert YouTube Video in MovieOn Free Blogger Template.

Go to Layout and add a HTML/Javascript widgets,
type this code like [Label Name][Nex9web]
Ex1- [Entertainment][nex9web]
Ex2- [Bhojpuri Entertainment][nex9web]

Big Screen YouTube Player

add this code in your post and replace your Video Id which highlighted in red color.
<iframe allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="333" id="ytframe" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

How to Edit Social Link in MovieOn Blogger template

Step1- login in your Blogger website
Step2- Select Theme
Step3- Click on Edit HTML
Step4- Press Ctrl+F (facebook)
Step5- Replace '#',  'paste-your-social-media-link' plz don't remove '' this
Step6- Click on Save Theme
How to Edit Social Link in MovieOn Blogger template
These premium looking free blogger templates are available without given footer credit link. Do Download and use it free of cost.

So friends! Hope you liked this post "MovieOn Free Blogger Templates Without Footer Credit Link". If you liked the post, then share it with your friends on social media and if you have any questions or suggestions related to this post, then please comment on this.
